Sleep hygiene, do you know what it is?

These are some good ideas concerning sleep hygiene.  This may be a start to improve your sleep cycle.


An average adult needs between 7-9 hours of sleep per night to have a good sleep hygiene.   Sleeping more or less than the recommended hours can cause  problems with performance and mood.


Avoid taking naps during the day, as this disrupts a normal sleeping pattern that has already been established.  Napping during the day may keep you up longer at night, making it harder to fall asleep.


Don’t have any caffeinated drinks such as sodas, coffee, chocolate and alcohol in the evenings.  Also, avoid eating large meals 4-6 hours before bedtime, as this might give you a feeling of being to full.

Sleep hygiene

Establish a regular sleep routine that is the same every day of the week.  The body gets used to powering down around the same time everyday.


If difficulties with sleep continue, seek medical care.  Your physician may prescribe sleep medication to help with your sleep problem.

Hopefully these tips were helpful and will improve your sleep hygiene, so that you can start sleeping and feeling better now.


If you are a patient suffering from insomnia or any other sleep related problems, change your life by contacting our health clinic today.

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