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 CARE CLUB Insomnia  
Help Me Sleep !

You are not alone. Millions of people are asking for help with sleep disorders.  Our programs provide medical evaluation ,   treatment and montioring, to ensure you are getting adequate sleep at night, each and every night.

What are the usual symptoms that
patients are concerned about ?


Difficulty falling asleep.

Waking up too early in the morning.

Feeling tired upon waking.

Waking frequently during the night.



What medications are used to help ?





Remember, insomnia may be a sign of other underlying conditions, such as depression, mood swings or anxiety. Also, other diseases such as
thyroid illness should be ruled out. Our physicians  always evaluate and treat these conditions as part of a complete insomnia work-up. Don't delay
in getting evaluated :  there are many medications available that will help,

Learn about anxiety here.