Endometriosis Risk: Pesticide Dangers

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences published a research study indicating that Organochlorine pesticides are linked to higher endometriosis risks in women. Although these pesticides are banned, we are still seeing the effects of them today. The endometriosis risk described in this article is taken from high levels of organochlorine pesticides in the blood serum.

Pesticide DangersEndometriosis Risk

These pesticides were very popular in the  1900’s; however, they were banned in the 1970’s. Unfortunately for us, Organochlorine pesticides are long lasting pesticides that are still around today even though they were banned over 40 years ago. This is because their chemical make-up allows them to stay in water and soil for years upon years. These pesticides are also passed down, for example, if a cow eats grains or plants that have traces of organochlorine pesticides, it’s milk will contain traces of organochlorine pesticides. These pesticides have brought many side effects including its connection to a high endometriosis risk.

Currently, we are exposed to these pesticides through contaminated fatty foods, fish and dairy products. Eating these contaminated products allows organochlorine pesticides to creep into our blood stream.This study found traces of  organochlorine pesticides in the blood serum in numerous patients with endometriosis. Dr. Leo Trasande from NYU School of Medicine stated that, “Women in this study were likely exposed simply on the basis of their chronically ingesting contaminated food.”

Endometriosis Risk

Endometriosis is a painful disorder where the tissue that usually grows inside of a women’s uterus (endometrium) is growing on the outside of a women’s uterus. The tissue grows, breaks down, and bleeds just as it would inside the uterus, however, it has no way of exiting the body. This causes irritation of the surrounding tissue and may cause scar tissue, adhesions or cysts to form. Endometriosis can affect the ovaries, bowels, or pelvic tissue.

The organochlorine pesticides act like estrogen once in the body therefore, they have been linked to contributing to endometriosis.  This study shows that one particular type of organochlorine pesticide increased the endometriosis risk by 50%.

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