Allergic Rash Tips

If a red patch has appeared on your skin and it starts to itch, you may have a skin rash. According to WebMD A skin rash is defined as, “some change that has affected the skin. ” Rashes can be a result of a number of problems, anywhere from minor skin irritations to chronic issues. Our allergic rash tips will help you determine the cause of your rash.

1.  What did you come in contact with recently?

Start simple, did you come in contact with anything abnormal or new recently? Think back to new body care products, fragrances, plants, metals, or rubber products. Common allergic rashes stem from nickel or gold in jewelry. Others can stem from rubber products that irritate the skin. Have you been outside lately and ran into unknown plants? Common rashes can also be caused by contact with poison ivy, oak, or sumac. If any of these apply to you, these rashes often go away on their own. Terminate contact with your identified substance. If the rash does not go away after a few weeks, speak to your doctor.

2. What have you ingested recently?

If you have racked your brain for abnormal products you have come in contact with and cannot find the cause of your rash, contemplate what you have ingested in the past week or so. Have you started taking any new medications, or have you ingested any abnormal substances? The most common ingested cause for a skin rash is medication.   This is known as a drug rash. According to Mayo Clinic, this most commonly starts out as small dots and spreads to cover larger areas. Speak to your doctor about the unwanted side effects.

3. How is the weather outside?

Weather can be a factor when determining the cause of a rash. Heat Rash can occur when the skin has no room to sweat. Being outside in tight-fitting clothing can cause red bumps on your skin. The best way to prevent this from happening is to anticipate the weather you will be in and for how long then, dress in loose fitting clothing. Over the counter anti-itch cream may relieve the itching until the rash goes away in a few days.

4. Consider your age

If you have gone through the above allergic rash tips and still cannot determine out the cause of your rash, consider your age. Age is a factor in a few rashes such as shingles or diaper rashes. If the rash is present in a senior, consider shingles. Shingles is a rash that presents in people that have previously had Chicken Pox. Shingles presents as an itchy, tingly, or painful strip on your skin. If you think you might have shingles, consult with your doctor for treatment. For more information visit

Diaper Rashes are also a very common, age specific rashes. This occurs as a result of the baby’s bottom being too wet. Preventing this is as easy as changing diapers often and using powders and creams to keep the baby’s bottom dry. This rash should go away in a few days.

5. Has your rash been there before?

Does your rash keep coming back? If so, consider the possibility of Eczema or Psoriasis. Eczema, also  known as, Atopic dermatitis is a rash with an unknown cause. Apply anti-itch cream to relieve the itch but this should go away a few days after a rash occurs. If the symptoms are distracting you from your daily activities, speak to your doctor.

Psoriasis can be identified by red, itchy patches of flaky skin. Visit to determine which type of psoriasis you might have. This skin rash is a symptom of a chronic immune disease that can be controlled with various medications. Visit your doctor to find out more about Psoriasis.



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