Danger of the flu

Flu can be deadly

Each year in the United States, flu causes an estimated 54,000 to 430,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 to 49,000 deaths, with infection rates highest among children, according to the U.S. Centers for D...
Healthy foods

Healthy foods you should be eating.

According to many nutrition experts, we are not consuming a wide variety of healthy and delicious foods. They have come up with a short list of  nutritious, widely available and affordable super food...
weight loss drug Qsymia

Weight loss drug Qsymia,Say Good-Bye to Fat

After nearly a year after being approved by FDA, Weigh loss drug Qsymia can now be filled at about 8,000 certified pharmacies nationwide. Qsymia is used together with diet and exercise to treat obesi...
Breast Milk Online

Breast Milk Online, How Safe Is It?

The journal Pediatrics recently released a study that investigates the safety of the new fad of online breast milk.  High levels of staph, strep and other bacteria have been found in unpasteurized br...
healthy travel with children

Healthy travel with children

Healthy travel with children can be very challenging since they are prone to more health risks. More and more children are travelling internationally each year, and the number is increasing. Children...