Prescription Acne Treatments

Among many people in the world today, acne can be a common problem that leads to low self-esteem and low satisfaction. Acne can be treated by leaving the area alone or using over-the-counter remedies like salicylic acid. However, when this acne becomes more severe or at time infected, then prescription acne treatments can be more helpful. Here are a list of five most common prescription acne treatments that physicians are likely to prescribe.

Prescription Acne TreatmentsPrescription Acne Treatments

1. Corticosteroid : These are common prescription for acne that is now used for inflamed acne nodules or cysts. The pressure behind the acne nodule or cyst builds up as the inflammation builds which can eventually cause them to burst. When acne burst it can potentially lead to acne scarring thus, corticosteroid are usually injected directly into the acne to reduce the inflammation and pressure.

2. Tretinoin: One of the most common prescription medicines for acne treatment that are derived from vitamin A. The american academy of dermatology states the retinoid tretinoin is the most effective acne treatment that is now available. The four factors it focuses on is irregular skin shedding, inflammation, bacteria and sebum oil production.

3. Contraceptives: For most women, contraceptives are commonly prescribed for treatment of acne. They are marked for birth control and the same medication can help prevent overproduction of sebum oil in the skin. Too much sebum can combine with dead skin cells to form plugs in the pores that develop into acne in the future.

4. Antibiotics: These are commonly prescribed for acne treatment and they may be used orally or topically. They work by targeting and killing P. acnes bacteria in the inflammatory acne. The two most common of them include erythromycin and tetracycline. The American Academy of Dermatology states the antibiotics are often used with other antimicrobials to prevent antibiotic resistance.

5. Antimicrobials: This is also a commonly prescribed medication for treatment of acne. Examples of these include azelaic and benzoyl peroxide which work together by killing Propionibacterium acne’s or P. acnes that cause severe breakouts.

A health professionals can help manage the social, emotional and physical impact of acne by addressing patient concerns, providing reassurance and practical advice. Contact your physician today to see if prescription acne treatments are right for you.

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