Tennis Elbow: Tips to overcome it.

Tennis elbow is a common term for a condition caused by overuse of arm, forearm, and hand muscles that results in elbow pain. It is commonly mistaken for lateral epicodylitis, in which all patients a...

Trampoline injuries, what are the dangers?

Many people think trampolines are a great addition to their home, kids love jumping up and down on these things.  In fact, jumping on a trampoline may increase the risk of injury for both children an...
head impact sensor

Head Impact Sensors: Play Hard, Play Safe

The University of Pittsburgh tells us that there are nearly 300,000 sports-related concussions per year. These concussions are serious by themselves, however, if not properly cared for, they will onl...

Knee pain exercises

Knee pain related problems and injuries are among the most frequent complaint people have.  Although knee pain and problems are often caused by an injury, something else may be causing it. Some peopl...
Man jogging

Running injury; 3 minute Survival Guide

You’ve heard the common sentiment “no pain, no gain” among sports and levels of fitness. Endurance athletes often prescribe to the notion that pushing through the discomfort is just...
football knee injuries

Football knee injuries

Football is a harsh sport, and even with all protective gear like the helmets, pads, braces, and supports, injuries are a prevalent part of the game. Taking into account the the size of the players, ...
football shoulder injuries

Football shoulder injuries

Shoulder injuries are the fourth most common injury in American football players, according to “The American Journal of Sports Medicine.” Football players wear a range of protective equip...
Prevent Heat Stroke

How to Prevent Heat Stroke in Athletes

In America and all around the world, sports are a huge part of our culture.  Playing in the heat is exhausting for anyone but how do you prevent heat stroke? Do you even know what heat stroke is? Pre...

Exercising Safely in a Heat Wave

As the heat wave is starting to come towards the west from the East Coast, it’s important to know how to stay safe while exercising, and how to improve your endurance and exercise in soaring te...