Not sweating enough? You might have Anhidrosis Disorder

Anhidrosis is a sweating dysfunction. It is an abnormal lack of sweat in response to heat. When a person has this disorder their body is unable to sweat normally which can be very dangerous. If the body cannot sweat properly then it cannot cool itself.

If the lack of sweating affects only a small area of the body, it is not usually dangerous. But anhidrosis can result in overheating and eventually a heat stroke which is a life-threatening condition.

What are the signs and symptoms?

There is a difference between signs and symptoms. A symptom is something the patient feels while a sign is detected by others(as well as the patient). A symptom could be tiredness while a sign could be a rash or swelling.

The most common signs and symptoms associated with anhidrosis are:

  • Abnormally poor sweating in response to heat. In some cases, no sweating at all.
  • Dizziness-caused by overheating
  • General feeling of weakness
  • Flushing
  • Sensitivity-to higher than normal temperatures since the body is unable to cool down.

    anhidrosis disorder

    Girl with anhidrosis disorder

What causes anhidrosis disorder?

Anhidrosis disorder occurs when the body’s sweat glands do not work properly or at all. This can occur as a result of nerve damage, skin damage, or dehydration.

What are the treatment options?

If the causes of anhidrosis is known, the underlying disease or condition needs to be treated.

If the causes of anhidrosis is unknown, treatment options are limited. Patients should avoid activities and environments that raise their body temperature. Exercise should be done in a cool place. Patients with anhidrosis in only a small part of their body might not require any treatment.

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