Spider bites, things you need to know this summer

The summer heat attracts more than just humans out for some fun.  Unfortunately,  this is the season when may cases of spider bites occur.   Two main types of  spiders we need to be extra cautious about are the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse.

Black Widow

The Back Widow is easily distinguished by its dark black color and  orange reddish markings.  The markings can range from a hour glass shape to a line of red spots.  A bite from a black widow spider can be deadly due to the toxic venom it injects.  It is extremely important to seek medical help if you suspect you have been bitten by a black widow spider. Black widows are usually found both outdoor  and indoors in woodpiles, garages, cabinets.

Brown Recluse

The Brown Recluse is distinguished by its brown color, three pair of eyes and violin looking mark on its head.  These are often found in dry undisturbed areas such as attics, garages, baseboard, sinks, pile of clothing or shoes left on the floor. Brown recluse usually attack when they feel threatened, these also inject a venom in the body.

If you suspect of a bite from a Black Widow or Brown Recluse apply a  cool wet towel with ice and elevate.  It is highly important to seek medical help if you suspect you have been bitten by one of these.

Spider Bites and skin ulcers

Brown recluse spider bites frequently are not felt initially and may not be immediately painful, but can be serious.  The brown recluse bears a potentially deadly hemotoxic venom.  Most bites are minor with no skin tissue destruction. However, a small number of brown recluse bites do produce severe necrotic lesions (skin ulcers).

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